His whole life will contain 179 works. Now 78 are alive, 101 to be born.
Next, coming soon on 30th March
The artist
Do you want to know more about his personality?
What about his dislikes?
And his thoughts about controversial topics?
Our guarantee
Exclusively crafted using human neural activity
100% free of perfection
Fully integrated with physical reality
Ensured data privacy: no data leak from artist to observer
Slowly generated, minimum one month of maturation

Proudly Made By Human
Frequently Asked questions
Is this an ordinary painting gallery?
The goal is the preservation of the paintings and related thoughts of the artist as the last example of crafted art created by human neuronal networks.
If we want he accomplishes the goal, we shall provide emotional and economical support through giving him back our comments and buying his work.
How does the artist elaborate his products?
The creation, generation and publication processes are supported only by the activity of the neuronal network of the artist brain. The pure outcome of original image data is preserved end to end.
Is the artist really going to accomplish the forecast?
He is aimed to deliver plenty of stimulus to his senses in order to provide the required basic information whose the most amazing paintings will be created. He is going to experiment all kind of feelings and also maintain himself in well condition in order to preserve his physical motor and intellectual capabilities.
What happens if the artist produces more than expected?
In order to ensure that work value does not depreciate due to an anomalous increase of supply, our beloved artist is strongly committed to control his creative impulses.
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